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Resources for Military and Veterans

Find available resources from 4Cs, Massachusetts, and at the federal level.



Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) with Micaela Black in collaboration with the 4Cs Military and Veteran Services Advisor and the Cape Cod VetCenter, hosted Micaela Black from the Providence Vet Success on Campus.

Judith Berger MST and the Survivor (Military Sexual Trauma). The week started with a real look at the trauma too many service members face while serving. What are resources, and how can we understand and help.

Awareness of Programs & Services for Veterans. Club Vice President, Clare Linder, has a discussion with local veteran advocates to show networking power.

College President Joshua Maloney sits down with Ervin “Tootsie” Russell, a Vietnam veteran with a powerful story to tell about his time since the war.

What can I do for my country now? In this emotional interview, Joshua Maloney meets Charles U. Daly and his son, Charlie Daly. They discuss Charles’s service in Korea, his time assisting JFK in his Presidency, and what motivates him to continue to serve by publishing a book about his experiences.

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Military and Veteran Services Advisor

Service Members and Veterans seeking assistance for Advising or with specific questions regarding GI Bill®/military education benefits should contact Paula T. Smith, USA, LTC (Ret.), Military and Veteran Services Advisor.

photo of paula smith


Paula T. Smith, USA, LTC (Ret.), Military and Veteran Services Advisor


Phone: 774.330.4478


The Military and Veteran Services Advisor can offer the following assistance about the VA benefits and information to Veterans:

  • Help with applying for Chapter 30, Chapter 33/ Post 9/11, Chapter 1606, Chapter 1607, and Chapter 35. Once students apply and get their Certificate of Eligibility, the hours will be submitted to the VA for payment processing.
  • Assist with Kickers, which are paid to National Guard/Reserves.
  • Evaluate military credit for college credit.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at

Active Duty Service Members must contact the Educational Service Officer (ESO) associated with your unity to determine your Military Tuition Assistance (TA) funds educational benefits before enrolling in classes.

We look forward to working with you as you continue your education at 4Cs!