Students that are unemployed through layoff, job elimination, underemployed, or displaced workers face unique challenges in returning to the labor force. Seeking education or training can increase opportunities for employment high demand areas. Enhancing current skills and developing new competencies to enter the workforce can create greater employability.
The College offers over 80 Degrees and Certificates. For those that meet specific job market needs locally, regionally and nationally, Health Sciences, Business, Information Technology and Engineering Sciences and Applied Technology programs are those most often approved for training.
Current and potential students that have applied for, or are receiving, unemployment benefits should be aware that there are requirements to apply for and report any current or pending education or training. We are here to help you if you are working with any MassHire Career Center or applying for Section 30 TOP approval.
WIOA Workforce Partners, such as, but not limited to, 4Cs, MassHire Career Centers on Cape Cod and across Massachusetts and Mass Rehab Commission (MRC) administer workforce programs such as adult education and literacy, vocational rehabilitation that assist individuals with disabilities, youth workforce development, and employment programs for individuals and families on public assistance and/or with barriers to employment. MassHire WIOA ITA programs support migrant farm workers, Veterans, and workers displaced by a layoff, and all constituents looking for career opportunities.
Eligibility for WIOA ITA
The federally funded Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I ITA program is for individual job seekers who need occupational skills training in order to successfully reenter the workforce. To find out about eligibility, programs and reporting requirements, contact your local MassHire Career Centers . MassHire Career Centers are located throughout the state of Massachusetts and can offer support and training, as you search for a new job.
Approved participants can choose from a pre-approved list of training courses. ITA eligible courses are approved on a regional level by the local MassHire Workforce Board who also work in partnership with Massachusetts Community Colleges, including 4Cs, to offer training.
Students must complete the requirements at their Career Center to determine eligibility which most often includes research on various schools and programs. If accepted, funding is determined for an approved training program after students file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine any financial aid eligibility that would apply first.
Eligibility for TOP/Section 30
To participate in TOP, students that have applied for, or are receiving, unemployment insurance (UI) benefits from the MA Department of Unemployment Assistance (DUA) must submit a completed application to the Training Opportunities Program (TOP/Section 30). An application must be completed by the College for the student to continue to receive unemployment and/or extended benefits while enrolled full-time earning a TOP approved degree or certificate within an expected time frame.
Only the Massachusetts Department of Unemployment Assistance (DUA) Section 30 TOP Unit can determine if a student qualifies for benefits, by reviewing a student’s completed TOP application. If eligibility requirements are met, and TOP has approved the education and/or training, they may approve the following while a student is in the approved training:
Special Considerations to Note
Additional Section 30 TOP Information
2023 Changes Regarding Approval*
TOP approval may only be granted if the claimant demonstrates that they are unable to obtain employment without training, and at least one of the following criteria needs to be met by a TOP applicant:
(a) The claimant requires training to become re-employed in his or her current occupation, because his or her present skills in that occupation are insufficient or are technologically out of date; provided, however, that a claimant possessing sufficient skills in his or her current occupation to obtain suitable employment in that occupation shall not be determined to be in need of training, unless the claimant has separated from a declining occupation or is unemployed as a result of a permanent reduction of operations and the claimant is training for a demand occupation;
(b) A claimant’s existing skills are obsolete due to technological change or because there is currently no demand for his or her skills in his or her work search area, or because a disability has made the claimant unable to perform the essential functions of jobs in the claimant’s previous occupation;
(c) A claimant is in need of Basic Skills training or any other training in combination with Basic Skills.
(d) The claimant has applied for or is participating in a course or training program authorized by WIOA;
This is a federal program for individuals whose employment has been reduced or eliminated due to the employer moving those duties outside of the United States. Eligible individuals are notified by the Federal Government, their employer, and/or MassHire.
On July 1, 2022, the termination provision under Section 285(a) of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended, took effect. Until further notice, the Department may not issue any determinations and may not accept any new petitions or requests for reconsideration. Requests to amend current certifications may still be filed. Workers who were certified and separated from their job on or before June 30, 2022, may still be eligible for benefits and services and should contact their nearest American Jobs Center. See TEGL 13-21 for more details.
What program is right for me?
How do I get started at 4Cs?
Location: Nickerson Administration Building, ground floor
Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:30am–4:30pm
Phone: 774.330.4311
When can I start classes?
How are classes taught?
4Cs offers a combination of modalities for classes, but some classes may only be offered in one option while others may be offered in more than one option.
Academic Programs
Admissions Office
Financial Aid
Academic Advising
Student Support Services
College Bookstore
CCAPE (non-credit programs)
Campus Locations
Main Campus Map
For questions related to unemployment rules that impact students please contact:
Skye Green
Liaison for MassHire/WIOA ITA/Section 30 TOP/TAA
Fax: 508.375.4084